Computational Mathematics and Decision Sciences: an important collaboration USI - Pavia


Institutional Communication Service

11 October 2018

Data and algorithms are the foundations of our digital world. Computational methods and mathematical analysis are increasingly used for simulation, prediction, risk assessment, development and optimization, in many fields of science and in an increasing number of businesses.

Università della Svizzera italiana and University of Pavia (the leading Italian university in this field of study) are glad to present the PhD programme “Computational Mathematics and Decision Sciences”, aimed at offering graduates sound interdisciplinary skills in Computational Mathematics, Computational Physics, Scientific Computing, Statistics, Decision Sciences, Optimization, Machine Learning, as well as an outlook on Applied Mathematics, Physics and decision processes under uncertainty.

The programme run at USI by the Institute of Computational Science, will provide, over the years, solid theoretical and computational foundations: participants will develop the skills needed to continue their work both in high-level international research institutions, and in leading companies active in this field.

The programme will be presented at University of Pavia, on Friday, October 19 at 9am in Aula Volta.

For more information: