confronti autunno 2018
Institute for Economic Research
Date: 20 November 2018 / 08:00 - 13:30
Auditorium BancaStato, Bellinzona
confronti autunno, in its 2018 edition, aims at analysing the current situation and proposing an outlook on the economy of the Canton Ticino, taking into consideration the recent global trends and the growing protectionism emerging in the international area. Starting from a description of the current global situation, the analyses will focus on the European and Swiss scale, trying to identify the new factors that govern their economic relations. The analysis will then move to an analysis of the Ticino economy, highlighting how the local production system is connected to the previously presented realities.
The program includes a first part dedicated to presentations by IRE researchers and guests, who will illustrate the outlook for the European and Swiss economies. The second part of the morning will be dedicated to the exposition of two examples concerning the Ticino area: the Ticino economy will be analysed according to its degree of openness to international trade, then the Swiss energy market will be discussed in the European context. The current and future situation of our canton will be debated through the usual involvement of representatives and actors of local companies: Luca Mezzomo (Head of Macroeconomic Analysis, Centro Studi Intesa San Paolo), Fabio Bossi (SNB delegate for the Italian speaking Swiss region), Walter Lisetto (Head of Asset management, Axion SWISS Bank), Lorenza Sommaruga (President of Federcommercio Ticino) and Luca Bolzani (President of CdA, Sintetica SA).