The UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, the responsibility of governments and companies


Institutional Communication Service

15 September 2020

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals agreed by the UN that aim to solve a wide range of problems related to economic and social development, such as poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, urbanisation, environment and social equality. SDGs are also known as Agenda 2030, named after the document entitled "Transforming Our World. Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development". Switzerland is also required to implement these objectives at national level, but with what instruments and approaches?

The implementation of these objectives, and of the 169 sub-targets associated with them, will be the responsibility of both governments and companies, and in the midst of these we find the legal sector, called upon to make its fundamental contribution to adapting the law to the requirements of sustainability. In this regard, the USI Institute of Law (IDUSI) organises a webinar - Friday,  October 2, starting at 1.30 pm - on the topic of the responsibility of governments and companies for the sustainable use of natural resources.

The webinar will include two sessions - through the Zoom platform - open to the public, students, the academic community and all stakeholders involved in the challenges involved in achieving sustainable development objectives at various levels of governance.

The aim of these two sessions is to create a platform for dialogue between academics, public administrators, professionals and the private sector in order to discuss the challenges and concrete opportunities involved in the transition to a sustainable model of natural resources governance in a bottom-up perspective. In particular, feedback from different stakeholders will be incorporated into the guidelines of the Committee of the Association of International Law (ILA) on the sustainable management of natural resources.

"The objective of the event is to understand how and to what extent the legal instruments currently available transpose the objectives of sustainable development and what are the main critical issues in translating these objectives into concrete commitments for all stakeholders", explains IDUSI Professor Ilaria Espa. "In this sense, the academic community is called to play an important role in facilitating dialogue between different bodies in order to provide stimulus and support for the necessary adjustment of the legal framework in this delicate phase of transition".

The event takes place within the 7th ILA Committee conference on "Sustainable management of natural resources and international law". The Committee, which includes lawyers, academics, industry professionals and representatives of national and international institutions, has the mandate to contribute to the progressive development of the rules of international law on sustainable development and sustainable management of natural resources.



To participate in the webinar:
Near the date of the event, registered participants will be sent details to access the webinar on the Zoom platform.

For further information: [email protected]