USI and Ukraine Recovery Conference


Institutional Communication Service

15 June 2022

The important international summit "Ukraine Recovery Conference," co-organised by Ukraine and Switzerland (, will be held in Lugano on 4 and 5 July 2022.

The main event will be held in the Palazzo dei Congressi area, and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs has chosen USI West Campus as press headquarters. A large number of journalists will be hosted mainly in the Aula Magna (

This honour will come with minor inconveniences, not so much concerning USI facilities, which will remain accessible except for a couple of classrooms presided over by law enforcement, but in the commute to the Lugano campuses. More practical information, including a map of roads closed to traffic, will be posted on this page as soon as it becomes available (the authorities will release further details on the matter any day now).

Updated information on road traffic and safety during the event can be found at the following links: and

For more information, the cantonal helpline (tel. 0848 14 95 95) operates daily from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. until Tuesday, July 5.