Federica De Rossa to be proposed as Federal Court Judge


Institutional Communication Service

15 September 2022

The Swiss Parliamentary Services announced today that USI Professor Federica De Rossa will be proposed for election as a Federal Court Judge scheduled for 28 September 2022. The Judicial Committee (part of the Federal Assembly) made a recommendation to this effect and received the support of all parliamentary groups. The candidacy of Federica De Rossa, currently Alternate Judge at the Federal Supreme Court in Lausanne and Director of USI Law Institute, will then be submitted to the United Federal Assembly.

The Judicial Committee submitted today its proposals to the Federal Assembly, which is in charge of electing judges to the Federal Supreme Court, Federal Criminal Court and Federal Patent Court for a six-year term (press release). The United Federeal Assembly holds elections separately for the different courts before the new administrative period. In addition, a supplementary election is held in case of vacancies.

Federica De Rossa earned her law degree from the University of Fribourg, where she began her academic career as an assistant professor and researcher, achieving her PhD with a thesis that also won her the Vigener Prize in 2010. After qualifying as a lawyer and practising in a law firm, she then decided to continue her academic career as a PostDoc researcher at USI, where she is now an extraordinary professor of Economic Law at the Faculty of Economics and where, since 2017, she has headed the Law Institute. In 2014, Prof. De Rossa was elected as an Alternate Judge at the Federal Supreme Court in Lausanne (Second Court of Public Law).