ConfronTi 2022 between new forms of globalisation and scarcity
Institutional Communication Service
14 November 2022
The pandemic crisis and ongoing conflict have contributed to the increasing fragmentation of the international economic system that began several years ago. Complicated by more recent events, globalisation seems to be changing its skin, presenting itself more and more as transversal, closely linked to geopolitical, physical or economic dynamics. At the same time, the economic recovery following the abrupt halt of the pandemic has encountered numerous difficulties, with an energy crisis aggravated by climate change and the war in Ukraine, with severe repercussions for food security and supply chains. The market for goods and services faces a new shortage, shifting the focus from demand to supply. There is a future poised between the opportunities for recovery and the risks of new and old crises.
This changing scenario and its implications will be addressed during ConfronTI 2022comparisons, the full-day event organised by the Institute for Economic Research (IRE), which this year will take place on Thursday, 24 November and will be titled "Less and less global? New Supply Dynamics."
The encounters are aimed at economic and institutional actors at the cantonal level as opportunities to meet and discuss local economic dynamics in an interregional, national and cross-border comparison.
Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini, USI professor and Vice Director of IRE, will introduce the topic, followed by speeches by Professor Pippo Ranci (Florence School of Regulation, Robert Schuman Centre) and Professor Alessia A. Amighini (Università del Piemonte Orientale, ISPI).
The talk will continue with a panel discussion moderated by IRE researchers featuring Beatrice Fasana (Managing Director Sandro Vanini SA), Oscar Gonzalez (Assistant Director, Division of Professional Education), Giuseppe Perale (Executive Vice President & Founder IBI SA) and Andrea Abbatelli (COO Hydac AG). Finally, the encounter will close with closing remarks by Mario Jametti, USI professor and Director of IRE.
“Le crescenti tensioni politiche internazionali stanno spingendo il mondo verso una ri-globalizzazione a gruppi, con club di paesi in competizione tra di loro.”
Alessia Amighini
Professor Università del Piemonte Orientale / Co-Head of Asia Centre and Associate Senior Research Fellow, ISPI
“Per i sistemi energetici questo è il momento della resilienza: reggere il trauma, imparare dall’esperienza, reagire accelerando.”
Pippo Ranci
Former Professor of Economic Policy, Università Cattolica, Milano / Advisor, Florence School of Regulation, Robert Schuman Centre, EUI, Florence
“Churchill disse: ‘Mai sprecare una buona crisi’. L’imprenditore è colui che prevede, si prepara, capisce, gestisce e impara da ogni crisi, innovando.”
Beatrice Fasana
Managing Director of Sandro Vanini SA, Member of the Swiss Polytechnic Council, SUPSI Vice President
“La storia ci insegna che a volte devi cambiare la prospettiva con cui guardi il mondo che ti circonda”.
Giuseppe Perale
Executive Vice President & Founder - IBI SA
”Formare è investire nel futuro dei giovani e delle aziende.”
Oscar Gonzalez
Adjunct Director of the Division of Professional Education, DECS
"Siamo entrati in una fase nuova e molto dinamica, che richiede più che mai lettura sistemica, competenze e capacità di adattamento."
Andrea Abbatelli
Chief Operating Officer of Hydac AG in Mezzovico
“Stiamo vivendo una tempesta perfetta: clima, geopolitica, energia, inflazione.
Imprese, lavoratori e istituzioni stanno reagendo per tenere la barra e navigare”
Barbara Antonioli Mantegazzini
Professor at USI Faculty of Economics, Vice Director IRE