Published a new study on Ticino's economic competitiveness

Lugano, Piazza della Riforma (credits: Friedrich Boehringer; license: Creative Commons)
Lugano, Piazza della Riforma (credits: Friedrich Boehringer; license: Creative Commons)

Università della Svizzera italiana

6 April 2017


The 5th annual report on the evolution of the economic situation by the Observatory for Economic Dynamics (O-De, Institute for Economic Research) shows that, although our Canton is still at a competitive disadvantage compared to other major Cantons, there are signs of improvement.

Ticino keeps excellent standards of entrepreneurship. The number of new companies is higher that the companies that failed, and the economy is strongly geared towards international trade.   


Full report (available only in Italian).

Paolo Malfitano
Università della Svizzera italiana
Observatory for Economic Dynamics, Institute for Economic Research
email [email protected]
tel +41 58 666 42 27