Bachelor Ministage: get to know USI in two days
Study Advisory Service
Start date: 8 November 2018
End date: 27 November 2018
In order to allow prospective students to know more about the Università della Svizzera italiana and its study programmes, the Study Advisory Service organizes the Bachelor Ministage: throughout two days, interested students can follow the lectures, visit the Campus and meet students and professors.
Next available dates:
- 08-09 November 2019 (for the Bachelor in in Architecture
- 22-23 March 2018* (for the Bachelors in Economics, Communication, Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana, Informatics)
Registration is compulsory: online form
* The Ministage in Architecture is exclusively for students who obtain their high school diploma in Switzerland. All other students are invited to the Bachelor Info Day.