Lorenzo Cantoni appointed Pro-Rector for Education and Students' Experience
Institutional Communication Service
8 October 2018
The appointment of Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni is a further step in the process of reinforcing the governance structure of USI: starting October 1, Prof. Cantoni joins the other members of the Rectorate for the general management of the University, with an emphasis on matters relating to education and students' experience.
The Rectorate is one of USI’s central bodies together with the University Council and the Academic Senate. It ensures the overall smooth functioning of the University and elaborates planning and development acts. The Rector, the Pro-Rectors, the Secretary General, and the Administrative Director form the Rectorate. Its functions are stated in the Statute of the Università della Svizzera italiana (in Italian). The current members are Boas Erez (Rector of USI), Michele Lanza (Pro-Rector for Information Development), Daniela Mondini (Pro-Rector for Research in the Humanities and Equal Opportunities), Albino Zgraggen (Secretary General) and Cristina Largader (Administrative Director). The Rector's Delegate for research analysis Benedetto Lepori also participates in the meetings of the Rectorate.
Lorenzo Cantoni graduated in Philosophy and holds a PhD in Education and Linguistics. He is full professor at USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Faculty of Communication Sciences, where he is director of the Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication. Lorenzo Cantoni is scientific director of the laboratories webatelier.net, NewMinE Lab: New Media in Education Lab, and eLab: eLearning Lab. His research interests are where communication, education and new media overlap, ranging from computer mediated communication to usability, from eLearning to eTourism and digital Fashion, from ICT4D to eGovernment. He is chair-holder of the UNESCO chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites, established at USI in 2013. Prof. Cantoni has been Dean of the Faculty (2010-2014) and President of IFITT - International Federation for IT in Travel and Tourism (2014-January 2018). At USI, he is director of the Master in Digital Fashion Communication, which is organised in partnership with Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and member of the board of the USI Master in International Tourism. From October 1, 2018, he is Pro-Rector for education and students' experience.