Join us for the next IMO MORSe Seminar. welcoming Christiane Bode from Bocconi the 16th of May at 12:30 in PC04
Title: Up to No Good? Gender,Social Impact Work, and Employee Promotions.
Abstract: In contrast to arm’s length corporate social engagement such as charitable giving, firms have begun to provide opportunities for employees to participate directly in firm-sponsored social impact initiatives. To date, research has shown that participation is associated with skills development, which in turn should benefit employees. We propose instead that participation negatively affects employees' advancement within the firm because the choice to participate leads organizational members to question the employee’s commitment to the firm's commercial goals and their careers, reducing their likelihood of promotion. Furthermore, because the male gender role stereotype is less congruent with social impact work than the female one, the
promotion penalty should be greater for men. Using archival panel data on 1,379 employees of a management consulting firm between 2008 to 2012, we estimate a discrete hazard model of the effect of participation in social impact work on promotions to manager. Promotion rates for women who participated were similar to women who did not, but men who participated were significantly less likely to be promoted than men who did not. Consequently, stereotypes regarding appropriate gender behaviors may be limiting men's abilities to contribute towards the social impact agendas of their firms.