Italian society of Law and Economics - IX annual conference
Law Institute
Start date: 12 December 2013
End date: 14 December 2013
In the book collecting Ronald H. Coase's main works, the father of Law and Economics
- In an economic theory which assumes that transaction costs are nonexistent, markets have no function to perform, and it seems perfectly reasonable to develop the theory of exchange by an elaborate analysis of individual exchanging nuts for apples on the edge of the forest or some similar fanciful example -
(R. H. Coase, 1988, The Firm, The Market and the Law, Chicago, The Chicago University Press, pp. 7-8).
Hence, the study of the functioning of economic institutions (of capitalism) implies an accurate analysis of costs in transactions (i.e. transaction costs). This analysis, the core of Law and Economics, is evermore essential to a valuable law- and policy-making process and to design efficient institutions.
Accordingly, the SIDE 2013 Conference aims to provide a forum for the development, interchange and dissemination of studies in Law and Economics. By gathering experts - lecturers, researchers and practitioners coming not only from Italy but also from all over Europe and America - during a two-day event at Università della Svizzera italiana, the SIDE 2013 Conference aspires to fosteracademic progress and policy debate on this topic. The set-up is highly interdisciplinary and open to all rigorous scientific
methodologies. This conference is intended, in particular, as a confrontation among theoretical, empirical and experimental works in law, economics, management and political science, linked together by the inquiry of efficient institutions and rules.
In furtherance of the above-mentioned objectives, the scope of the SIDE 2013 Conference shall include the following:
• to encourage the contribution of young scholars - in this respect, the "Fondazione Ricerca e Sviluppo of USI", through the "Fondo Galli", has provided reimbursements for promising PhD students and/or junior researchers;
• to consolidate relationships between the European centers of Law and Economics.
In order to encourage outstanding young scholars to develop their researches in the field of Law and Economics, the "Fondazione Ricerca e Sviluppo of USI", through the "Fondo Galli", set up the Brenno Galli Award for most promising young scholar paper
presented at the ISLE 2013 Conference. Author who got a Ph.D. degree no longer than three years back (i.e. not earlier than December 12, 2010) and who presents his/her work at the SIDE 2013 Conference, is eligible to participate in the competition.