SFI Master Class - Data and Technology in Finance

Institutional Communication Service

Date: 17 January 2020 / 13:00 - 17:30

Executive Center, USI Lugano campus

Current Situation

Financial institutions worldwide are currently spending billions of dollars to understand how to harness the power of data and rethink their strategies and operations accordingly. Plethora of analysts, pundits, and commentators predict sizeable disruption is imminent in financial activities. Current developments around data and analytics can however appear nebulous, daunting, and complex. Media outlets are flooded with buzzwords, ranging from “big data”, “digital transformation”, “artificial intelligence”, “algorithms”, “machine learning”, “data science”, “FinTech”, or the “zettabyte” economy. We count dozen of recent reports that speculate on the future of work and business transitions in the financial sector.  


The Master Class “Data and Technology in Finance” proposes to pause, step back, and decrypt these buzzwords and trends through an intuitive and deliberately non-technical perspective. The aim is to provide a deeper understanding of current applications and development based on the combination of new data and technologies in the financial sector. The class discusses concrete examples from the practice, including for instance fraud detection, clients’ profiling, credit screening, or compliance.

Target Audience

The Master's class is aimed at professionals in the financial industry who wish to broaden their knowledge capital and deepen their understanding of new trends in financial technology (data and tools). The focus is on enabling participants to think critically about the future opportunities and challenges for their job, team, and organization.

This lecture will be given (in English) by Prof. Dr. Laurent Frésard, SFI Senior Chair at Università della Svizzera italiana, together with Roger Fehr, Head of Data Management & Analytics at Swisscom, and Klaus Haller, Product Manager Analytics in Banking, also at Swisscom.


Full details and registration at: www.sfi.ch/en/events/data-and-technology-in-finance-2020