81 new graduates in Economics receive their diplomas
Institutional Communication Service
23 May 2022
The ceremony for awarding Bachelor's and Master's degrees from USI Faculty of Economics to 81 students of seven different nationalities was held on Monday, 23 May 2022, at 6 pm in the West Campus Lugano Aula Magna.
USI Deputy Rector Lorenzo Cantoni opened the ceremony, followed by the greetings of the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Gianluca Colombo.
Before the proclamation of the diplomas, two USI graduates gave their testimony from the world of work: Laura Bolis Sammartano (Master in Banking & Finance, 2011), today Head of Investment Strategies at Cornèr Banca in Lugano; and Marina Milijkovic (Master in International Tourism, 2013 and Bachelor in Economics, 2010) today User Experience Researcher for YouTube in Zurich.
Following the awarding of Bachelor's degrees (13) and Master's degrees (68), Silvia Invrea, head of the USI Alumni Service, also addressed the new graduates and spoke about the community and their services.
In conclusion, the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Colombo, spoke.
Below is the list of graduates with their nationality and degree obtained.
Bachelor in Scienze economiche - www.usi.ch/beco
1. Angelov Nikola, Switzerland
2. Aulicino Pasquale, Italy
3. Califano Gabriele Pompeo, Italy
4. Chiesa Giulio, Italy
5. Citterio Matteo, Italy
6. Colombo Filippo, Switzerland
7. D'agnolo Paolo, Italy
8. Fassora Egon, Switzerland
9. Pagnamenta Federico, Switzerland
10. Parizzia Nicolás Edgar Carlo, Switzerland
11. Paskov Kiro, Switzerland
12. Robbiani Davide, Switzerland
13. Rodrigues Fernandes Gonçalo, Portugal
Master in Economia e Politiche internazionali - www.usi.ch/mepin
1. Amarotto Lorenzo, Italy
2. Azad Kanis Fatema Lubna, Italy
3. Bertoni Alessandro, Italy
4. Buscaglia Gabriele, Italy
5. Caporaso Giusy, Italy
6. Congiusta Federico, Italy
7. D’Amelio Quirino, Italy
8. Davì Giada, Italy
9. Di Maggio Fabio, Italy
10. Falcetti Beatrice, Italy
11. Frattolillo Francesco, Italy
12. Frenda Daniele, Italy
13. Giamporcari Francesco, Italy
14. Giglioli Gianluca, Italy
15. Giorgis Sofia, Switzerland
16. Gramegna Stefano, Italy
17. Jafari Andrea, Italy
18. Mineo Giorgia, Italy
19. Minut Sabrina Beatrice, Italy
20. Munaro Beatrice, Italy
21. Oxenyuk Anastassiya, Russia
22. Pistoia Alessandro, Italy
23. Poncia Alice, Italy
24. Ruzza Maria Rita, Italy
25. Santoro Cristiana, Italy
26. Stirbu Felicia, Italy
27. Taiola Milvia, Italy
28. Venosta Mara, Italy
Master in Finance - www.usi.ch/mfin
1. Agnelli Lorenzo, Italy
2. Balbiani Bruna Anna, Italy
3. Bevivino Sara, Italy
4. Biffi Ludovica, Italy
5. De Rosa Alessandro, Italy
6. Donatelli Giacomo, Italy
7. Milan Federico, Italy
8. Neddar Nabil, Italy
9. Skvortsova Elena, Russia
10. Toscanelli Paride, Switzerland
11. Tuli Gagandeep, United Kingdom
12. Varvus Anastasiya, Ucraina
Master in Financial Communication - www.usi.ch/esir
1. Prässler Federico, Italy
2. Ruggiero Rosalba, Italy
3. Turati Luisa Carlotta, Italy
Master in Economics - www.usi.ch/me
1. Duraccio Saverio, Italy
2. Tenconi Andrea, Italy
Master in Public Management and Policy - www.usi.ch/pmp
1. Dagani Camilla, Switzerland
2. Rovera Giovanni, Italy
3. Santaguida Francesco, Switzerland
4. Scobioala Vlad, Romania
Master in International Tourism - www.usi.ch/mt
1. Colombara Mariasole, Italy
2. Keller Amélie, Switzerland
3. Tampieri Cecilia, Italy
Master in Management - www.usi.ch/mmg
1. Agostinetti Virginia, Switzerland
2. Bogdanov Pavlo, Switzerland
3. Borinelli Matteo, Italy
4. Cavarzan Andrea, Italy
5. Ferrari Tommaso, Italy
6. Filomena Francesca, Italy
7. Fontana Laila, Switzerland
8. Graziano Micaela, Italy
9. Li Vorsi Claudio, Italy
10. Mattioli Andrea, Italy
11. Perna Angela, Italy
12. Piazza Ludovica Carlotta, Italy
13. Rancan Alberto, Italy
14. Ratti Riccardo, Switzerland
15. Spreafico Andrea, Italy
16. Zenatello Sofia, Italy