"Numbed by Numbers" exhibition reopens at Scuola cantonale di commercio, Bellinzona


Institutional Communication Service

5 October 2020

After last spring's forced break, the exhibition reopens in Bellinzona from Monday, 12 October to Friday, 18 June 2021. The interactive display on the world of numbers, an authentic mathematics gym with 30 stations, features moments of in-depth study and guided tours.

After its debut in the spring of 2015 in Ticino, the one-year tour between Lugano, Ascona and Bellinzona and then the stops in Italy - in Genoa, Pavia, Palermo, Catania, Bologna, Florence and Treviso - the exhibition Diamo i numeri! (Numbed by Numbers) reopens at the Scuola cantonale di commercio in Bellinzona and will remain open until the end of the school year.

Diamo i numeri! is an interactive exhibition on the fascinating world of numbers that winds along a path built around three major themes, expressed in "3D": Fingers (the origin of numbers, from when man began to use fingers to count, to numbers as we know them today), Dice (random numbers, probability, risk and uncertainty with a casino space with a real roulette to raise awareness on gambling issues), and Data (big data, data science, statistics and simulations of Monte Carlo).

The objective is to learn by playing through, for example, solving brain teasers and thanks to a bit of magic. The target audience is children aged 6 to 18, but the exhibition also provides many interesting insights for adults.

The exhibition has been designed by the scientific director Antonietta Mira, Professor of Statistics at USI, in collaboration with USI L'ideatorio and SMASI (Società Matematica della Svizzera italiana). It is financially supported by the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research.


Reservation required to visit the exhibition at [email protected]
More information on the website of the Scuola cantonale di commercio Bellinzona: www.sccbellinzona.ch/cpp/dossier_fotografico.pdf