Bachelor Info Day, get to know USI in half a day


Study Advisory Service

Date: 5 May 2023

The Study Advisory and Promotion Service invites you to the last Bachelor Info Day of the Academic Year 2022/23.
Don't miss the opportunity to discover Università della Svizzera italiana and its study programmes. 

Registration is mandatory: [email protected]

Programme Lugano Campus:

From 13:30

Check-in - North Entrance, West Campus (how to get there)


Presentation of USI and Students' Services (in Italian). Participants will be divided into two groups - Auditorium and Room A11, West Campus


Presentation of the Bachelor in Lingua, letteratura e civiltà italiana (in Italian) and, afterwards, Campus tour guided by USI students - Room A32, Red Building, West Campus
Presentation of the Bachelor in Scienze economiche (in Italian) and, afterwards, Campus tour guided by USI students - Auditorium, West Campus


Presentation of the Bachelor in Informatics (in English) and, previously, Campus tour guided by USI students - Room A11, Red Building, West Campus


Presentation of the Bachelor in Comunicazione (in Italian) and, previously, Campus tour guided by USI students - Auditorium, West Campus
Presentation of the Bachelor in Filosofia (in Italian) and, previously, Campus tour guided by USI students - Room A32, Red Building, West Campus

From 16:50

Q&A session for parents with the Study Advisory Service - West Campus


Would you like to schedule an orientation meeting on another date?
Contact the Study Advisory and Promotion Service.