Master's Lunch - Start strong, finish stronger: stay at USI for your master's degree
Institutional Communication Service
14 February 2024
During the week of 27 February - 1 March 2024, each day at 12:30 pm, the Study Advisory Service will showcase to last year bachelor students the diverse range of master programmes offered by each faculty and treat them to lunch.
The event offered by the Study Advisory Service ensures that every student that is finishing his bachelor programme at USI can conveniently explore the possibilities of furthering their education at USI.
During each session the programme’s directors will present three Master programmes, to give a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities that lie ahead. The event will last one hour in order to allow everyone to be on time for any lesson that may start at 1:30 pm.
Don't miss out on this chance to discover your future path. Mark your calendars and join this not-to-be-missed event!
Registration to the event is compulsory by 22 February 2024 at 12:00 pm