IFin Seminar, Clemens Sialm, University of Texas at Austin - "Out of Sight No More? The Effect of Fee Disclosures on 401(k) Investment Allocations"

Istituto di finanza

Data: 10 Maggio 2019 / 12:25 - 13:40

Tema del Seminario: Out of Sight No More?  The Effect of Fee Disclosures on 401(k) Investment Allocations


Clemens Sialm, University of Texas at Austin

12:25 - 13:40

Aula A-22 (palazzo rosso)

Campus di Lugano



We examine the effects of a 2012 regulatory reform of investment option disclosures on participants' allocations across 401(k) plans funds. We show that participants became significantly more attentive to expense ratios and short-term performance after the reform. The results are stronger for plans with larger account balances and those that are non-unionized. Additionally, they are not driven by secular changes in investor attention or sponsor-initiated changes to the investment menu before the reform.