The future of work
Servizio comunicazione istituzionale
Data: 27 Novembre 2019 / 17:45 - 20:00
Aula magna, USI Lugano campus
What better place to talk about the future of work than this aspiring region? And who better to talk about the future of work than one of the leading labor economists of the world, David Autor? In his keynote, Prof. Autor will talk about the effects of automation, digitalization and international trade on the labor market and outline the future of work. These research findings will be expanded in a panel discussion with former State Secretary Mauro Dell’Ambrogio, UBS Group CEO Sergio P. Ermotti, and writer and columnist Ferdinando Giugliano. A dialogue between academia, politics, and business in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland to reach out to new minds and grasp the potential of new ideas.
>> Participation is subject to registration, online at:
(full details attached)
17.45 Door opening
18.15 Welcome address: Boas Erez, Università della Svizzera italiana; Ernst Fehr, UBS Center, University of Zurich
18.20 Keynote lecture: David Autor, Ford Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
19.00 Panel discussion: Mauro Dell’Ambrogio, former State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation; Sergio P. Ermotti, Group Chief Executive Officer of UBS Group AG; Ferdinando Giugliano, economist commentator at La Repubblica and Bloomberg. Moderator: Rico Maggi, Professor of Economics, Università della Svizzera italiana
19.45 Q&A and closing address by Sergio P. Ermotti