IdEP Seminar "Work ability of the young old and scarring effects: evidence from SHARE" - Agar Brugiavini
Istituto di economia politica
Data: 26 Novembre 2019 / 12:15 - 13:15
Room 408, Università della Svizzera italiana, Campus Lugano
We analyse the pattern of work and other labour market states, such as unemployment, over the life course, by making use of a long retrospective panel of Europeans drawn from SHARE.
We document to what extent young individuals, who do not transit directly from education to employment in a relatively short period of time, suffer longer term effects on the probability of subsequent unemployment spells.
We also assess if the timing of retirement in old age is affected by having a discontinuous career, an issue which seems particularly relevant for European women.
The paper is joint work with Giuseppe De Luca (University of Palermo, Italy), Thomas MaCurdy (Stanford University, USA) and
Guglielmo Weber (University of Padua, Italy, and IFS)
Agar Brugiavini
Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy, and IFS