SFI Master Class - Opportunities in Active Asset Management
Servizio comunicazione istituzionale
Data: 6 Marzo 2020 / 13:00 - 17:30
Executive Center, USI Lugano campus
The boom in passive investment products has been the most notable trend in asset management in the recent decade. Passive investment tools are inexpensive, as they cut the fees that are paid out to fund managers, brokers, and research providers.
Recent academic evidence challenges the popular view that active management does not generate value for investors. This new research convincingly shows that active managers have delivered on their promises. In particular, improved statistical techniques and more data show that the average asset manager has skill and does not underperform after fees.
This Master class will describe the recent trends in Active Asset Management. What are the strategies that have generated performance? Additionally, cutting-edge academic research that develops tools to identify the most skilled asset managers will be discussed. The main conclusion from this research is that Active Management delivers outperformance. However, to detect the best managers one needs a sophisticated approach.
The Master class is aimed at professionals in the financial industry who work in Asset and Wealth Management as well as in Investment Banking.
This lecture will be given by Prof. Francesco Franzoni, SFI Senior Chair at Università della Svizzera italiana, together with Giordano Lombardo, Founder and CEO at ThreeSixty Investments.
Full details and registration at: https://www.sfi.ch