IdEP Seminar, Björn Tyrefors - "Labor Market Effects of a Youth Summer Employment Program in Sweden"
IFin Seminar, Gerard Hoberg - USC Marshall - "Do Trade Associations Matter to Corporate Strategies?"
Formazione continua e aggiornamento per giuristi 2024 - Diritto penale
FinEML Conference 2024 at USI
The zero-days-to-expiration option market: opportunities, challenges and early lessons
IdEP Seminar, Christina Felfe - "TBA"
IFin Seminar, Pedro Bordalo - Saïd Business School, University of Oxford - ""Finance without exotic risk"
IdEP Seminar, Dario Pozzoli - "TBA"
Eventi correnti
IFin Seminar, Claudia Custodio, Imperial College - "Access to Credit, Exports, and Product Quality"
IdEP Seminar "The Life-Cycle Effects of Pension Reforms: A Structural Approach ", Mario Padula
Un aggiornamento su temi scelti in ambito di commesse pubbliche
XXVII Dies academicus
Bachelor Info Day, un'occasione per conoscere l'USI
B4B - Blockchain for Business - Modulo 2
IdEP Seminar "War Violence Exposure and Tax Compliance ", Tommaso Giommoni
IFin Seminar, Thorsten Beck, Florence School of Banking and Finance - "Information Sharing, Access to Finance, Loan Contract Design, and the Labor Market"
Master Online Q&A
IdEP Seminar "Broadband Internet and Education Success: Evidence from a Natural Experiment", Sarah Eichmeyer
IdEP Seminar "Winners and losers of the 2015 Swiss exchange rate shock: Unveiling heterogeneous worker responses", Katharina Ehrardt
Festival dell'economia della Scuola cantonale di commercio 2023
IFin Seminar, Andreas Schrimpf - BIS "Relationship Discounts in Corporate Bond Trading"
On Learning- and Optimization-based Methods for Risk-Averse Control of Autonomous Systems
Noi vs. Loro: il cervello razzista
IdEP Seminar "Labor Market Integration, Local Conditions and Inequalities: Evidence from Refugees in Switzerland", Martina Viarengo
Master Info Day
Adaptive maximization of social welfare in theory and practice
Bachelor Ministage: due giorni da studenti e studentesse USI
IFin Seminar (joint with IdEP), Maximilian Kasy - Oxford University "Adaptive maximization of social welfare in theory and practice"